Friday, December 31, 2010


In the ancient times of Atlantis or even in ancient Egypt, there may have been greater magicians than the one we know as Merlin, but their names have not come down to us the way the name of Merlin has; there is something very special about this being; something mysterious that even children seem to be aware of.

Similar to King Arthur, Merlin has earned his place in the British psyche, as have Nimué, the Lady of the Lake, and the much misrepresented and often maligned Morgan le Fey. In this unconscious realm of the British psyche reside many ancient heroes, but Merlin is probably the most famous and best loved of all.

Merlin was an incarnation of one of the great masters of humanity and his energy is coming in once more with the violet Ray as it heralds the New Age, the sixth cycle of humanity. This begins to have an effect on the energetic construct of the physical realm; that is why the Merlin information is once more becoming available to those who are searching for the truth of what life is all about.

In the invisible realms existing side by side with, and now penetrating the physical, conscious plane, are the roots of all Magical traditions to be seen. Merlin’s vibrant energy and powerful symbolism is beginning to affect all seekers of wisdom and truth at this time on the planet. People everywhere are growing tired of working in a job that has no meaning for them just to pay the mortgage or rent, or other bills, and are asking: “Is this all there is to life?”

Magic is a natural state of being that has been suppressed for thousands of years, to allow the development of the intellect. Magical, mystical, metaphysical, or whatever name will be given to this natural state of human expression will become commonplace in the next age, now that intellectual development is well on the way.

We now see children being born with this natural magical ability; the ability to see the fae, the angels, the djinn or genies and communicate with them. Dragons, unicorns, centaurs and the pegasi are also drawing closer as the veils between the dimensions continue to become thinner.

Healing is also another natural ability of some children coming onto this planet. In the future many will heal themselves of their ailments as the reason for them will no longer be applicable on the earth plane.

Polarity is at the heart of magic, shaping its nature and fuelling its powerful energy. The magician of today walks a razor edged path between the inner and outer worlds, and as he balances his own energy, he also brings balance into the lives of others.

The magician is also aware of the paradox that allows him to pass beyond the veil and to bring back much needed information that is not normally available to the everyday person, and to assist the ones who seek the Path of Magic. This Path of Magic is nothing more than the Return Path to the Source, but it is based on your own hard work, your own personal practice and does not rely on any dogma.

To regard this world with awe and wonder is an approach far more likely to result in the universe sharing its secrets. Some people are too often inclined to arrogantly declare that they know everything there is to know. In fact, we are hardly scratching the surface of the eternal wisdom of the universe. The Masters of Wisdom say nothing of who they really are, but willingly share their secrets to those who are discerning enough to recognize them.

So do not disbelieve when others speak of Merlin, he exists; not in this dimension perhaps, but for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, he exists.

College of Esoteric Education.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


The Kabbalah teaches that our universe evolved organically and sequentially from the formless void or the Great Unknowable Source into matter. The information contained in the Kabbalah deals with the nature of God; the Sephiroth, or divine emanations deal with angels and man. God is known as Ain Soph and fills the entire universe. As He is infinite, the mind of man cannot conceive Him. Mind cannot perceive something that created it, because mind is only part of it, not the whole.

In a certain sense, God is perceived as being non-existent. To validate His existence, God became active and creative, gathered primal energy around Himself and projected the ten Sephiroth or divine ideas. The numbers one to ten are Kabbalistic cardinal numbers corresponding to the original divine ideas by which the invisible and visible world was created.

THE TREE OF LIFE: This is a simple diagram composed of the ten spheres known as the Sephiroth and 22 connecting lines called Paths. The Sephiroth and the Paths together are commonly called “The thirty two Paths of Wisdom.” At this point, we will only touch briefly on some of this information as it has been given previously. With reference to the Tarot, we will just say that the twenty two major arcana cards relate to the twenty two paths, which are numbered from 11 to 32; the Sephiroth being numbered from 1 to 10.

Kether, Chokmah and Binah are abstract concepts beyond our human comprehension and relate to the Supreme Mysteries of the Spirit or the Archetypal World. Chesed, Geburah and Tiphareth pertain to the Higher Self or the structure of the individuality, and relate to the Greater Mysteries or the Creative World. Netzach, Hod and Yesod pertain to the structure of the personality or the Lesser Mysteries or the Formative World. Malkuth relates to the physical body or the Active World.

From the unmanifest, the Ain Soph, which is symbolized by a closed eye, emerged number one, called KETHER, the Crown, which is symbolized by an open eye. Symbolically, as long as this eye remains open, the universe is preserved, when it shuts, it returns into a state of non-being or pralaya.


If we were totally clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant, we would have no option but to live our lives like an automaton, because we would know everything in advance. But because we are not, we have fate and free will co-existing in perfect harmony.

There are areas where, because of our degree of development, fate will be our teacher, and other areas where, because we have learned certain lessons, and reached a degree of spiritual maturity, we are free to act independently.

This of course goes hand in hand with that immutable law that states that each cause sets free a corresponding effect. Everyone has the feeling that doing something good will bring about good results and conversely that corruption will breed corruption; or in the words of a proverb: “Whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

One does not plant poppy seeds and gather roses. Subject to this law of cause and effect is also the law of evolution or development, so we could say that development is an aspect of the Law of Karma.

Once we can accept this principle, life will no longer seem so much of a struggle and we can get on with living full, healthy and happy lives, knowing that there are going to be situations that we will have to accept with good grace until we are able to bring ourselves into line with Divine Law.


Psychic powers are common to all people, but some have not used their ability in the field of Metaphysics so they consider that they don’t have them; everyone has them to some degree or another. Some brain researchers explain that the primitive brain is more intuitive and that hunches and psychic insight are activities of this more primitive part of the brain.

The energies come up through the medulla (Centre M) through the cerebellum lobes, to and through the pineal in their twinned trinities, (and note these trinities are not of opposing polarities.) The energies which come through the trinities shine through their various avenues and that which is the first trinity channels initially into mainly the left hemisphere, then across to the pituitary gland.

Those energies cause an imprint on the energy already flowing through that left hemisphere. This imprint we call thought. So, we have the left hand side dealing with abstract thinking, music, art and literature; the imprint called thought and the ability to think clearly. This, in turn channels to the right hemisphere where it is necessary.

So, rather than a left brain, right brain phenomena, it could perhaps be described as an inner brain, outer brain phenomena. If we go along with this theory, traumatic situations may allow the thought processes to occur at a more primal level, so that decisions are made instinctively or intuitively. So we have an influence coming from the subconscious mind which, by its definition, resides below the threshold of consciousness.

Correct training can help this information come to the conscious mind at will. Practice with the symbolism of the Tarot can raise the level of awareness and hone the intuitive faculty. Symbols are the language of the subconscious mind and the Tarot, being rich in Metaphysical symbology will speak directly to your subconscious mind and allow intuitive insights. When you experience the symbolic nature of the Tarot, the experience is brought directly from your subconscious mind into consciousness awareness.

THE MYSTIQUE OF TAROT- The Magician and the understanding of the four elements

The study of the Tarot in an esoteric sense will lead you through one of the doorways to the mysteries of life. The Tarot has been with us since the dawn of time in one form or another as it is a pictorial representation of the journey back to the Godhead. And we can see this even in many religious ceremonies today. For example, on the first card, the Magician, we see depicted the four elements, in the form of the sword, the wand, the cup and the coin resting on a table. If you look at the symbology depicted in some churches today, you will see something similar. It takes only a little bit of thinking to come up with the analogy. The cards are simply used to show the many blessings and pitfalls along the way. And as you work your way through each impression of the card, you will experience the energies associated with the archetype that the card represents.

Spiritual truth never comes as dogma; it comes as a small still voice from within, and is only relative to you and the lessons you have chosen to learn in this incarnation. This does not mean to say that you cannot assist others if they ask you, but the warning here, of course is, not to let your ego or personality colour the information coming through. Truth depends on the insight of each individual, so it is rather impossible to generalize about the problem of truth, except to say that each one will have their own truth and it will be relative to the degree of their spiritual maturity.

The capacity to differentiate between knowledge and wisdom is also tied up with this problem of truth. There is a wide difference between the two and it is much easier to gain knowledge than wisdom. Whereas knowledge depends on receptivity and understanding of the mind and experience coupled with the memory of such experiences, wisdom does not depend on knowledge at all, although both are identical up to a certain point. The source of wisdom comes from the causal principle or that which is termed the Godhead. Therefore wisdom does not depend on the mind or the memory, but on the maturity and purity of the individual entity and insights are passed on through the intuitive or inspirational processes. Therefore to develop a well rounded out personality, knowledge as well as wisdom must go hand in hand; neither one nor the other must trail behind.

The Tarot, therefore is the perfect tool to assist in unlocking the intuitive processes and can lead to profound insight and wisdom.


Illumined individuals throughout history seemed to have access to a secret mystical philosophy that enhanced their mode of living. The way they lived their life was both personally gratifying and uplifting. Their thoughts and deeds have inspired people down through the ages to try to find this elusive power these people seemed to possess.

What techniques did they acquire that can be effectively applied to everyday living and how does one go about searching for this information? How does one then prepare for a life of such creative endeavour?

These are some of the questions answered by intelligences that emanate from the Source of All That Is. The profound teachings that were given are presently being taught through the Sirian Mystery School, which was formed to teach humankind an awareness of itself and its relationship to the universe. The teachings incorporate a meditative path and a series of lectures designed for achieving a level of self-realization.

The ancients gave the injunction: “Man know thyself” and then you will know the secrets of the universe. How does one get to know the self? The Sirian Mystery School provides the techniques for accomplishing this inward focus and experience.

Have you experienced the whisperings of a deeper level within your being? Does a mysterious intelligence seem to well up from deep inside you at times? Your consciousness has no limits if you let it rise above those circumstances that seem to weigh you down. Inspiration and intuition are not haphazard events but come into play when you draw, at will upon this mighty Presence.

Silent and formless, it awaits contact with your mind to enable you to bring your true potential into outer reality. This is a phenomenon natural to all human beings who attune with its energy. There are subtle faculties of the mind just beyond the surface awaiting your positive command. They respond to natural law and benefit all who learn to use them.

The purpose of meditation as taught through the Sirian Mystery School is to assist people in balancing the different functions of their existence, namely, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and to bring those who are ready into an understanding of their existence, its direction and its purpose. The practice of this form of meditation requires a readiness to accept guidance along a structured path back to Source by one who has travelled that path before. It needs the ability for a gentle concentration only, following instructed guidelines. No prior experience or special techniques are required as this Path is, at all times individually supervised.

The corruption of a teaching is inevitable. As that which is channelled through in purity is disseminated throughout people of varying abilities, so there is a diversification and alteration of the original. That which alters goes ahead to guide the development of humankind as required in each cycle and must be seen, of course, as functioning into the purpose of the initial teaching from which it comes. Now, as there is a cycling and a loss of that which is taught in purity, so there is, also obedient to the law of cycling, a revivification. As a cycle culminates, there is a corning to fruition of everything that is part of the cycle including that which is continued from the teachings given at its beginning. Those thin threads, carried by sincere people, come to the fore and are energized by the cycling re-emergence of the forces that originally taught.

The meditation channelled through is practical and demonstrable and the travel upon this path is carefully and compassionately supervised to assist those who feel they are ready to travel this path to inner knowledge and wisdom, the Return Path back to Source. The individual supervision allows the student to progress at his or her own rate and the program is structured in such a way that the beginning meditator needs no prior experience or special qualifications in order to proceed through the various steps.

This teaching format has been responsible, in one of its innumerable functions, for guiding the overall development of humankind. It has passaged through the required people, at the beginning of each of the several past cycles of humankind's existence, the foundation for knowledge and understanding.

Upon that foundation, humankind has been prompted to enquire into and to develop, within each cycle, the many different forms of activity that have come to feature human existence. The intelligences responsible for this teaching have been present for the duration of humankind’s existence on this planet.

Because of the cyclic rise and fall that attends all functions, however, the effects of their teaching have not always been apparent. As each cycle within the overall rises in its development, there is a besmirching of that which is taught in purity at its outset. The wisdom earlier passaged through becomes lost or corrupted; but loss is never total. As each cycle proceeds there is a continued looking on the part of dedicated people for that eternal foundation. In such people there is a continuation of thin threads of the overall wisdom that guides all cycles and which is taught anew at the beginning of each.

The nature of these teachings is such as to establish a resonance between the person and the energy forces responsible for that person's existence. In that resonance lies the wherewithal for that person to act as a channel for energies from a deeper source. Those energies, depending upon the requirement, may function into one or more of many diverse fields.

The Sirian Mystery School is a channel for the function of that wisdom. Its responsibility is to set the feet of ready ones upon that pathway back to the Source.

The energies involved in incarnate existence alone vary considerably in their subtlety, their function and in their readiness and all of these must be brought into a concordant wholeness in preparation for the journey. The fact that a person would consider travelling a path of such a deep and profound meditation is a tremendous achievement in itself, and may be seen as the fulfillment of the cycle of human existence

The Sirian Mystery School is the product of forces of high intelligence required forward in the function of teaching to humankind a knowledge of the energies involved in human existence. These entities reside in realms which, to a human understanding of time, are eternal. They are a part of the continuing structure of the universe but the effect of their function in the incarnate realm appears as a cyclic manifestation, appearing, receding and re-appearing in obedience to the wisdom by which they too, are directed.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


If you regard the solar system as an individual vortex, coupled with, and integrated with the vortex, which is this galaxy, you will understand that the sun is a channel of energy that energizes the complete system. That which we call the Planetary Logos is also a channel, but so is the planet in its entirety. Let us just consider this planet; and we feel that we can only explain this via analogy. It has a nucleus; that nucleus is located deep within this planet, not of necessity in the centre, but deep within this planet we find that nucleus of that One which is the planet.

The projection from the Logos obtained many millions of years ago, and was a progressive projection. It happened over vast ages in stages. In this universe all is measured, all is balanced. The withdrawal to the complete passing of the Planetary Logos will be as measured as the outgoing.

When this planet was young, there was the Logos. The Logos projected, the projection projected, but this did not happen overnight. These projections occupied eons. We come finally to the projection, that you term organic life, which is the epitome of the requirement. So begins the ‘return.’ This is the necessary cycling; that return into the Logos, back into a oneness, will occupy eons also.

The path upon which you are engaged will carry on into the oncoming age when many, many – a very great percentage of mankind will be travelling this return path back to the Logos. The energies required for that return are already abroad. They began to be manifested many centuries ago, and are gaining impetus, and it will be such that mankind will be re-absorbed into the projection, which is presently being called the Energy Parent. Of course, in turn, the Energy Parents are also re-absorbed and so the process continues until there is a complete re-absorption into the oneness that is the Logos. In order for this to obtain there must be the seed that is implanted into the oncoming age.

There is great importance in this return Path; in one small portion of that Logoic body, there is movement, a movement back. Regard this as a pattern, and you will see the patterning shine through quite clearly as you ponder it. Viewing this from another aspect, there are these many ages cycling, and there is an oncoming age end, or sub-age end. This is at hand, and this is why there is a great interest in all things of a spiritual nature.

We ask you to think back on the knowledge of myth and legend, and recognize that in every nation, in every people, in every tribe, there are legends of wonderful beings. It is necessary in subtle matter that there is a triggering force; there has to be something that triggers. Whilst the teachings about these legendary figures may have been and will have been corrupted, those beings did exist in prehistory. They did exist and those beings will exist again.

So, we have the projections, we have the oncoming withdrawal – as we said, this is eons ahead – but this Logos is past middle age, and the withdrawal has begun.

The travel back on the part of mankind, and in particular the pioneering which is this path, is the travel back into the nucleus of the Energy Parent. This does not mean that life forms will not exist after this has been accomplished; they will. This travel back will occupy many, many eons during which there will be successive alterations in circumstances. Were you able to look at the picture from perhaps several million years hence you would be aghast at the preciseness of the travel out and the travel back: it will be as precise as is every other part of this universe, utterly precise.

Excerpts from the channellings of the Sirian Command.

College of Esoteric Education

THE GREAT UNKNOWABLE SOURCE - the birth of the universe

It has been said that energy is the basis of, or is the whole universe. Consider the possibility of a great Unknowable Source that is this energy. This Source permeates every last corner of that which is called the universe, including every galaxy, both known, and unknown, as yet, to mankind. We are not talking about this planet, solar system or galaxy; we are talking about the myriad galaxies and the very minute, all of which comprise and compose the universe.

This great Unknowable Source is this energy; this basic energy from which all else is built, and upon which all else is built. If you wish, every component is part of the body of the great Unknowable. This basic energy permeates every part of this universe. Even in your sacred scriptures, it is written, “In Him we live and move and have our being.”

Now, we come to a possibly more difficult concept. From this, or, in this energy there are vortices. These vortices would, by analogy, be directed; their causation, their operation, their result would be directed. These vortices shall we say, become galaxies. Now, in these vortices we begin to see that which is not being understood readily; we begin to see that tremendously subtle energy begins to manifest in a slightly coarser form.

Now, remembering that the manifestation is also energy, that manifestation then, becomes a projection in less subtle form than the original. Also mark well that even though vortices appear in the overall energy, that the permeability of the energy is not impaired. That energy still operates in and through each vortex. So, you have a projection, which in its initial stages is almost indistinguishable from its parent energy.

We will now ask you to consider one vortex and its development; all others will obey the same set of rules. This vortex becomes a focus, a centre of high consciousness, of high intensity, and ability begins to appear in that vortex.

That directing force now causes further projection which, as you are possibly aware, causes the coarsest projection of all which is the physical, but, all traceable back to that overall consciousness and directing force. All the energies are directed in less and less subtle form, so you begin to get sub-sub-microscopic particles, increasingly, until you get particles sufficiently coarse to be seen under microscopes.

The postulate that we are insisting upon is that the particles that you see under a microscope are the result of a series of less and less subtle manifestations of the original. Now, we go in through to the end result, the coarsest form in which energy may manifest, which is the body that you each inhabit, and which is the physical world through which you pass. It is the ultimate physical manifestation so far as coarseness is concerned, but we repeat, traceable back through a series of manifestations to the Great Unknowable Source.


Mankind is basically three divisions. These three divisions are progressive manifestations of energy in a coarser form, coming through to the coarsest form in which energy may manifest itself, which is the physical body. We would at this stage point to the fact that when man was made in God’s image, it was such that man was made as a trinity, as is the Godhead. Man is a projection of, a step down of the trinity structure of the Godhead. He was made as a trinity or in the image of that trinity.

Let us examine this structure more closely. As a starting point we could say that the basis of the entity is the spine, the two lobes of the cerebellum, and the two brain hemispheres with their associated middle brain lobes.

The physical body is built around this structure. The glandular system is an intermediate state between the more coarse manifestation of energy, which is the direct physical, the various organs, the bones, the muscles and so on, and the ‘spiritual’ which is the energy blueprint for the physical.

So, we consider the human being, which is basically the spine and the brain. There is a spark that exists in the spine between the shoulder blades and energizes the whole incarnate entity. This spark is a projection of its parent, the Energy Parent, and it is responsible for projecting a manifestation that is the deep emotional body. In this body resides the causation of all sickness, be it mental, be it physical; the deep causation of sickness.

If you have a common cold the cause does not reside in the emotional body. That which resides in the emotional body can progressively cause withdrawal, or death; the lighter causes reside elsewhere. This emotional body, which, we repeat, is a projection of that energizing spark, without which no one would exist. That energizing spark projects out of itself; but it projects only part, not all of itself. That emotional body, then, projects outward by means of a communicating link, which is called the etheric body.

This etheric body has a deep part and a shallow part. The deep part is able to communicate with and transfer energy from the emotional body, which is its function; it transfers energy in various forms. The shallower part of that etheric body communicates with the entities that are the various organs. The brain centres, the hemispheres, and the lobes, follow a somewhat different path.

Try to consider that all is energy; everything is energy. You must understand that if you consider your finger, that finger is purely a manifestation of energy. As long as this is clearly understood, very definitely accepted, then much difficulty will be taken away from your understanding of that which is being said.

You must try to get it firmly within your thinking, you must understand that everything you see, everything you touch, is purely and simply a manifestation or a projection of energy in its varying forms and varying degrees.

There is necessity on the part of the Energy Parent for experience. In that Parent that projected you lies much progress. Let us talk briefly about the hierarchy – again, see this in the concept of energy; energy focused, purely energy focused in degree of intensity.

Above and beyond that Energy Parent, there reside deeper, higher, fuller intensities which command; beyond that again, lie yet fuller intensities, beyond which lies that which is the planet, the Planetary Logos. The Logos is that intense energy which is required to maintain this planet, and by maintenance of this planet we are talking, now, about every single, tiny function that transpires in or upon this planet.

You may see this as a fullness of function on the part of each respective planet – but forget about the others and their functions – consider only this planet, Earth. Every tiny particle in this planet is energized by that which we tern the Planetary Logos or the planetary Force and these forces relate throughout the universe.

The reason for your sickness, your unhappiness, is because you are suspended in the tensions that operate in these two paths. This may be difficult for you to understand, but both of these forces are manifested in each one of you, and in each one of you there is a striving for balance between those two forces, but in no case does it ever balance; in no case.

This, however, does not prevent continued and continual striving. You, with your conscious minds (and your conscious minds are purely an instrument whereby you travel this incarnate, physical path) are not yet able to see and understand the tensions that are promoted by this attraction. You will have to accept our word that this is so. All sickness, including the final sickness, is the result of this tension.


Today I want to speak about past happenings that have been lost in the mists of time. One principle that you must gather to yourselves, absorb, and clearly understand is that mankind is utterly wrong in attempting to implant the image as he is today upon beings that existed in ages either gone by or yet to come in the future. You will begin to realize that there is no fixity; all is in constant flux in the universe.

Therefore, it becomes probable, even from that viewpoint that the life form humankind presently occupies was not the same in the past and will not be the same in the future. This time on the planet is a passing through, a fluxing, a continual movement through various forms and man is not correct, therefore, in attempting to interpret bygone manifestations through the eyes he is presently using.

Life forms that existed in the past were different; vastly different, There was a hybrid form for many, many millions of years. There was a hybrid in various forms, which embodied both animal characteristics and the oncoming complexity that is present mankind. In addition, there was a differing in the circumstance of existence, a difference in the life span, a difference in the population, always a difference. Wherever you look, there is a difference. This is needful for the continuing evolving pattern. Nothing remains the same.

However, the progression towards the present state was gentle; it was a gradual happening. There was no dramatic change and there was no drama. It was a gentle stepping through to complexity but that tale will not be told for some time.

With regard to almost historic times, the life span, as written about in other teachings, was much greater. At that time, the projecting One, the Energy Parent, was young and back in that time, it was required that the Spark, which is currently located between your shoulder blades in the spine, retire to its Parent in energy, and then re-enter the same body. The reason for this was – not the inability, because there is no inability in this universe – but the necessity to move forward in the development of the force needed to project itself as it presently does.

This has been a development over many millions of years and there has been no dramatic stepping up, there has been just a gentle progression. So, you may now see the reason for various customs, which are still extant among certain of mankind, in their extremely modified form

Now, this oncoming cycle is the last but one of mankind’s overall cycle. There have been five; there will be seven. This oncoming one is the last but one and during this period the withdrawal force gains in momentum.

The return path will be a mirror image of the outgoing path. That withdrawal force then, as it withdraws mankind, in fact all life, toward its projecting force is becoming a counterpart of the outward going. As death becomes less and less frequent, symbolism disappears and knowledge in its purity occurs once more, then this withdrawal path will be a precise counterpart of the outgoing path.


Today, I would like to talk about balance, or rather, discuss the outer bodies of an average incarnate human being. I am not talking about people who are advanced or have advanced themselves. These bodies follow the trinity pattern. Let us start with the physical body; this is identically patterned on the etheric body. The etheric body fulfills the functions of the energy transfer between the deeper parts of the entity and the physical glandular system. It is this glandular system that controls the organs. This is basically the function of the etheric body.

As we move deeper within, we come to the emotional body in which resides, the root causes of all instability, both mental and physical. When I talk about the word balance, I am talking strictly about balance in the emotional body. There is no such thing as balance in the two coarser manifestations.

So, this emotional body is the source of all illness, all malfunction, all disturbance, all distraction and conversely, all super-function. If you consider this carefully, you will see that ecstasy resides in the emotional body; the ecstasies of the mystics and so on, all have their root causes in the emotional body and, incidentally, are an imbalance in themselves; they are not healthy. Balance is to be striven for always in the emotional body

The connection between the emotional body and emotions is vague, in fact, quite nebulous. The emotions are not indicative of very much in the emotional body at all. In fact, it would be wise to consider that the word emotional body is a misnomer because although emotions are the result of small turbulences that happen in it, the emotional body functions at a far deeper level than the ordinary emotions such as lust, greed, fear, hate, jealousy, and so on. It functions at a much greater, much deeper level than these.

So, balance in the incarnate state is not obtainable except in the adept. You are as likely to obtain balance in the emotional body as you are to obtain balance in the meteorological sphere in the planet. You will always have turbulences, small or great, manifesting in one fashion or another. Some are healthy, some are doing no harm and, of course, others are definitely not healthy. But balance is always being striven for; this is similar to water as it seeks to find its own level. As one progresses, so we have a further obtaining of balance.

Again, still considering the average person in the street, be he a top scientist, be he a street sweeper, this is equally applicable. The result of imbalance in the incarnate state can be directly related to progress of the self, in that there is only one way for evolution to proceed and that is by overcoming obstacles. Therefore, one must see so-called disturbances in this light, that they are very, very healthy and, of course, logically, the worse the disturbance, the healthier it is for the person concerned although, of course, not pleasant.

If, for the reasons of progression, the One who projected you and gave you life, sometimes known as your Higher Soul Self, or your Energy Parent, decides on so many different aspects to be incarnated progressively to fulfill certain deficiencies and again to obtain balance or strive to obtain balance, then you will be part of what you were before but not necessarily the whole, because you are still part of the One.

And, of course, as evolution proceeds over many lifetimes, the Energy Parent merges the aspects into a oneness. Early on the evolutionary path this One will be many faceted, very diversified; but at adeptship, he/she is One, all aspects combined into the oneness to produce the divine incarnation.